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HMDA Dataset Filtering - Available Filters

Geography Filters


  • Description: Select this option to download the national loan-level dataset. This is a large dataset (5.8 GB) and will take time to download. It will not be able to be opened in standard applications. If using a standard application, adding pre-selected filters will narrow down the dataset with your preferred parameters and minimize the file size.


  • Description: Select this option to download datasets by state, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.


  • Description: Select this option to download datasets by the 5 digit derived MSA (metropolitan statistical area) or MD (metropolitan division) code. A MSA/MD is an area that has at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more population.


  • Description: Select this option to download datasets by county.

Financial Institution Filter

  • Description: Select one or more financial institution by entering the financial institutions LEI or name

Pre-Selected Filters

Action Taken (action_taken)

  • Description: The action taken on the covered loan or application
  • Values:
    • 1 - Loan originated
    • 2 - Application approved but not accepted
    • 3 - Application denied
    • 4 - Application withdrawn by applicant
    • 5 - File closed for incompleteness
    • 6 - Purchased loan
    • 7 - Preapproval request denied
    • 8 - Preapproval request approved but not accepted

Loan Type (loan_type)

  • Description: The type of covered loan or application
  • Values:
    • 1 - Conventional (not insured or guaranteed by FHA, VA, RHS, FSA)
    • 2 - Federal Housing Administration insured (FHA)
    • 3 - Veterans Affairs guaranteed (VA)
    • 4 - USDA Rural Housing Service or Farm Service Agency guaranteed (RHS or FSA)

Loan Purpose (loan_purpose)

  • Description: The purpose of covered loan or application
  • Values:
    • 1 - Home purchase
    • 2 - Home improvement
    • 31 - Refinancing
    • 32 - Cash-out refinancing
    • 4 - Other purpose
    • 5 - Not applicable

Lien Status (lien_status)

  • Description: Lien status of the property securing the covered loan, or in the case of an application, proposed to secure the covered loan
  • Values:
    • 1 - Secured by a first lien
    • 2 - Secured by a subordinate lien

Construction Method (construction_method)

  • Description: Construction method for the dwelling
  • Values:
    • 1 - Site-built
    • 2 - Manufactured home

Total Units (total_units)

  • Description: The number of individual dwelling units related to the property securing the covered loan or, in the case of an application, proposed to secure the covered loan
  • Values:
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5-24
    • 25-49
    • 50-99
    • 100-149
    • >149

Age (ageapplicant)

  • Description: The age of the applicant
  • Values:
    • <25
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 45-54
    • 55-64
    • 65-74
    • <74
    • 8888

Ethnicity (derived_ethnicity)

  • Description: Single aggregated ethnicity categorization derived from applicant/borrower and co-applicant/co-borrower ethnicity fields
  • Values:
    • Hispanic or Latino
    • Not Hispanic or Latino
    • Joint
    • Ethnicity Not Available
    • Free Form Text Only

Race (derived_race)

  • Description: Single aggregated race categorization derived from applicant/borrower and co-applicant/co-borrower race fields
  • Values:
    • American Indian or Alaska Native
    • Asian
    • Black or African American
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • White
    • 2 or more minority races
    • Joint
    • Free Form Text Only
    • Race Not Available

Sex (derived_sex)

  • Description: Single aggregated sex categorization derived from applicant/borrower and co-applicant/co-borrower sex fields
  • Values:
    • Male
    • Female
    • Joint
    • Sex Not Available

Loan Product (derived_loan_product_type)

  • Description: Derived loan product type from Loan Type and Lien Status fields for easier querying of specific records
  • Values:
    • Conventional: First Lien
    • FHA: First Lien
    • VA: First Lien
    • FSA/RHS: First Lien
    • Conventional: Subordinate Lien
    • FHA: Subordinate Lien
    • VA: Subordinate Lien
    • FSA/RHS: Subordinate Lien

Dwelling Category (derived_dwelling_category)

  • Description: Derived dwelling type from Construction Method and Total Units fields for easier querying of specific records
  • Values:
    • Single Family (1-4 Units): Site-Built
    • Multifamily: Site-Built
    • Single Family (1-4 Units): Manufactured
    • Multifamily: Manufactured

An official website of the CFPB's HMDA  v3.0.11a

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