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2017 Panel Data Fields


  • Description: The collection year of the HMDA data to which the Panel file relates
  • Values:
    • 2017


  • Description: One component of the primary key identifier for HMDA reporters in 2017 and prior. Respondent ID must be concatenated with Agency Code to guarantee uniqueness in the HMDA data. See Table 1 in the 2017 FIG for derivation instructions.
  • Values:
    • Varying values


  • Description: The federal tax ID of the institution in 10-digit format with a dash.
  • Values:
    • Varying values


  • Description: The integer code corresponding to an institution's regulatory agency

  • Values:

    1OCCOffice of the Comptroller of the Currency
    2FRBFederal Reserve System
    3FDICFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    5NCUANational Credit Union Administration
    7HUDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
    9CFPBConsumer Financial Protection Bureau


  • Description: The 2017 HMDA Platform primary identifier for an institution. This identifier is used in the naming of 2017 Modified LAR files.
  • Values:
    • Varying values


  • Description: The concatenation of an institution's 2017 Agency Code and Respondent ID. In order to match between 2017 and 2018, use the ARID2017 to LEI Reference Table available on the Snapshot National Loan Level Dataset page. For 2018 and forward, LEI will be the primary key.
  • Values:
    • Varying values


  • Description: The National Information Center RSSD of the institution

  • Values:

    • -1: NULL/blank
    • Varying values


  • Description: The name of the institution from the National Information Center (NIC) or Transmittal Sheet
  • Values:
    • Varying values


  • Description: Two-letter state code of the institution's headquarters

  • Values:

    • Varying values


  • Description: The headquarters city of the institution
  • Values:
    • Varying values


  • Description: The assets of the institution in the 4th quarter of the HMDA collection year
  • Values:
    • -1: NULL/blank
    • Varying values


  • Description: Derived assignment of an institution's status as, or relationship to, a depository institution
  • Values:
    • 0: Depository Institution
    • 1: MBS of state member bank
    • 2: MBS of bank holding company
    • 3: Independent mortgage banking subsidiary
    • 5: Affiliate of a depository institution
    • -1: NULL/blank


  • Description: The National Information Center's RSSD for the parent of the institution
  • Values:
    • -1: NULL/blank
    • Varying values


  • Description: The National Information Center's legal name of the parent institution

  • Values:

    • Varying values


  • Description: The National Information Center's RSSD for the top holder of the institution
  • Values:
    • -1: NULL/blank
    • Varying values


  • Description: The National Information Center's legal name of the top holder of the institution
  • Values:
    • Varying values

An official website of the CFPB's HMDA  v3.1.0b

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